Pengembangan Peta Interaktif Tiga dimensi (3D) Gedung STMIK AMIK Riau Menggunakan Unity Engine


T.Sy Eiva Fatdha


   Along with the development of technology such as this, the use of the concept of three-dimensional (3D) graphics in the world began much-loved by many. The use of a 3D map has also been widely applied in the construction of which has the advantage that their map is much clearer than the two-dimensional (2D). When this has been a lot of software that offers 3D features, one example adalah.Unity Engine is a game engine with the popularity continues to grow pursue some specific game engine, such as the Unity Engine, Source Engine, or the Cry Engine. Unity is a game engine with a proprietary source license, but for a development license is divided into two, namely free and paid appropriate target device application development.


How to Cite
Fatdha, T. E., & Falendra. (2016). Pengembangan Peta Interaktif Tiga dimensi (3D) Gedung STMIK AMIK Riau Menggunakan Unity Engine. JTRISTE, 3(2), 60-69. Retrieved from